

In my daily quiet time with God, I like to talk with Him. I read His Word and meditate on what I read. I praise Him and confess my sins. I also have prayer requests. In the Bible, these are called supplications (2 Chronicles 6.21; 1 Kings 8.54; 1 Timothy 2.1; Psalm 28.2; Daniel 9.3; Psalm 143.1).

Following are some of the supplications I pray regularly for myself, my husband, and our marriage. I post them in case they are of help to you. Most of these prayers are interchangeable, in that you can pray whatever for yourself / spouse / friend / parent, etc.

God bless you.

Prayers to Consider:

For Self:

  • Instill in me a love for Your Word
  • Show me how you value me, that I may find my worth, my self-esteem, in You
  • Be strong in me, that I may let Your strength be my strength, and that I may not be a slave to my own fears or selfishness, that I may go forth and do Your will
  • Fill me with Your Holy Spirit
  • Show me new and wonderful things from Your Word:
    • How I may obey You
    • Promises You have for me
    • Insights into the way I should live and serve
    • Your wisdom, Your love
  • I put my flesh to death, that You might live through me
  • Give me gratefulness, mold my heart to be more grateful
  • Work in me so that my desire to do right is more, and becomes stronger, than my desire to be right
  • Thank You for the health You have given me. I pray I would not abuse that blessing, but that I would be a good caretaker of Your gifts. I pray specifically about my eating habits. I pray You would be strong in me when I want to eat too much or eat the wrong thing; make me weak so that I may be strong in You.
  • Teach me contentment in every circumstance
  • Teach me to be humble; give me a teachable spirit
  • Give me Your vision, Lord, I pray; give me Your wisdom and love
  • Lord, change my desires so that they perfectly correspond to Your will for me
  • Lord, guide me through my lifestyle choices
  • Give me discernment as to my daily schedule
  • Open doors to those things that are Your will for me: home, family, work, community, relationships
  • Reveal my sin to me, and lead me to repentance
  • Teach me how to be a people-person as You were: how to remember names and faces and circumstances, how to cherish people
  • May I always be sensitive and obedient to Your leading, Your correction, Your presence
  • Teach me how to surrender to You, and how good it is
  • Being wrong ≠ shameful
  • When I see sin in my husband, show me how to handle it according to Your Word; I pray Your Spirit guide me in my words, facial expressions, actions, and attitudes
  • Teach me how to forgive according to Your will
  • Show me Your intentions for our marriage: I am to be his helpmeet
  • Help me to adjust my expectations to fit Your vision
  • Give me eyes to see Your blessings, and appreciate them

For Husband:

  • I pray You will build up my husband so that no matter what trials come, he will be able to stand strong in You through them
  • I pray You would make my husband a man of integrity, according to Your standards. Make him a man who lives by Your truth; help him to walk with Your Spirit of Truth at all times. Be with him to bear witness to Your Truth. Do not let him be deceived in any way, do not let him live a lie in any way.
  • Show me how to love my husband so that he never feels like he’s “going it alone.” I pray he would so know You that he would know he is never alone, but that You always love him, cherish him, and are looking out for his best interests.
  • Reveal his sin to him, and lead him to repentance
  • Teach him how to surrender to You, and how good it is
  • I pray his eyes and heart are ever with You
  • May he have an obedient heart toward You
  • Give my husband eyes and heart for me; give him understanding for who I am, and respect for what he sees.
  • Reveal to my husband your direction for his daily and long-term life. Show him how to lead his household. Give him eyes to see You. Give him a heart to receive You.
  • Give my husband wisdom in decision-making for our family. Provide wise counsel for him.
  • Instill in him a gnawing hunger for Your Word. May he delight in reading it, may it be sweet to his taste.
  • Fill him with Your Holy Spirit

For Marriage:

  • Show us how to love each other in the way we need, in the way You want us to meet each other’s needs
  • Intervene in our communication so that our words express truth in love; and give us ears to really hear each other
  • Show me how You see my husband, how You love him
  • Help me help my husband through his struggle(s) with sin; show me what You need me to be for him
  • I see much greatness and potential for greatness in my husband. I pray You will grow my respect for him as I am obedient to You in this, that I may honor and encourage that greatness
  • I am to respect my husband. I die to self in this, and submit my will to the leading of Your perfect Spirit.
  • May my countenance be pleasing or edifying to my husband.
  • Pr 24.3, 4 May we build our house through Your wisdom, establish it by Your understanding, and fill the chambers with all pleasant and precious riches by Your knowledge
  • I pray You would remove temptation from our lives. I pray Your hedge of protection around each and both of us. Give us eyes and wisdom to discern and flee from evil.
  • I pray Your protection from any accidents, diseases, dangers, and evil influences
  • I pray our schedules would mesh
  • I pray You bring us good friends, Godly people who love You, in whom we can confide and trust and share and comfort. I pray for Godly friends in couples and for each of us. When our friends are not Godly, not Christian, I pray You lead the words of their mouths and ours, and that You would work through us in them.
  • We each have our own pasts, Lord, and lies and truths we believe because of how we were raised and our experiences. I pray You give us the grace and wisdom to put the past behind us; that You would overcome our lies and strongholds; that You would fill those places with Your light and truth and love.
  • Teach us and lead us to avoid and put away evil in our lives: media influences, music, items in our houses, people
  • Show us how you desire us to handle the resources You have given us to handle: money, food, time, family (close and extended), home, relationships
  • Reveal our sin to us, and lead us to repentance
  • Teach us how to surrender to You, and how good it is
  • May we pray deeply together, regularly; teach us to pray
  • Teach us to live as though we are healed, because You heal us
  • Pr 19.23 Teach us to live in the fear of the Lord
  • Teach us to always forgive each other
  • We stand in need of Your grace, direction, mercy, and moving of Your Holy Spirit within us, of Your light and truth. I pray for ears to hear and eyes to see You and each other.

29 thoughts on “Supplications

  1. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God…

    As I read this blog, I thought about the oodles of amazing healthy recipes and health tips that the Lord leads you to share, and then Holy Spirit brought to mind your profile pic/avatar and He shined a light on Matthew 4:4. In doing this He spoke concerning how He uses this blog to speak to the spiritual and physical part of us, and this message today is powerfully penned. I utter a special prayer unto the Lord for the message and for the messenger. I utter a prayer for your marriage and for the ministry that springs forth from it. I utter a prayer for all those who have read and will read it, and for their marriages and families alike..In Jesus name, Amen!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow, Anthony, I am humbled and grateful for your prayer and edifying words. You have brought me great blessing (and tears to my eyes), and blessing in your prayer to readers. God bless you richly, and may He bless these prayers.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Amen and amen. A thousand amens, Kathy. These prayer points are so good that we can pray them over and over and over again. They are reflective and truly penetrating beyond the marrow and bones. They for me cause me to expose myself and lay bare before Abba. Thank You for following His lead today to bring us to repentance and seeking His face. I pray His divine blessings upon you and your marriage; upon your household, upon all that your hands find to do. May Yahweh, our God continue to envelope you in all your endeavors. Much blessings, sister of the faith 🙏🏽

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, my, Precious Deandra! 🤗 Thank you for your words and your prayers; I take them and hide them in my heart.
      I do pray these over and over and over again. I so need my Lord in all areas of my life.
      God bless you, and thank you for writing.

      Liked by 2 people

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