Healthy Immune System Remedies

In this looooong winter season, sniffles, sore throats, coughs, and achy bodies are running rampant. Rather than going to the store or the doctor for help, I prefer natural treatments. Prevention and maintenance are my key focus.

To keep my immune system in good working order, I regularly do the following:

  • Take large doses of Vitamin C. Good, nutritious food is the best source of Vitamin C. But, you can buy any cheap vitamins you get your hands on. By “large doses,” I mean (for myself) 12,000 – 15,000 mg per day. I buy supplements in 1,000 mg per tablet, and take 4 of them first thing in the morning, and again last thing at night. I pop a few more throughout the day. If I feel anything coming on, I take up to 10,000 more in a day. Vitamin C is not toxic, you can’t take enough to harm you. If your body doesn’t need that much, it will dispense of it through your elimination system. (Hint: You will see references to “bowel tolerance” in reading about it, meaning that, if you take too much, your stools will start getting loose. Just cut back a bit until your bowels are more normal. This is a great reference standard for kids.)
  • Use essential oils. I diffuse essential oils throughout the house; I also make remedies for inhalers, creams, serums, sanitizing sprays, and salves using various blends. If you visit such sites hosted by these, you will find many recipes using essential oils for a wide range of uses, such as salves, serums, shampoos, remedies, and emotional health blends: Dr. Eric Zelinski, Dr. Josh Axe, Wardee Harmon at Traditional Cooking School, and Chris at Joybilee Farm. Please follow guidelines for using essential oils, and test each one for any reactions before going full-on. Here is a short list of essential oils that have research-backed effectiveness:
    • Antivirals: Basil, bergamot, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, cumin, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, myrrh, oregano, peppermint, rose, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme
    • Antibacterials: Basil, bergamot, cassia, cedarwood, cinnamon bark, citronella, clove, dill, eucalyptus, geranium, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, rosemary, spikenard, tea tree
    • Antifungal: Cassia, cinnamon bark, citronella, clary sage, eucalyptus, fir, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, rosewood, sage, spikenard, thyme
  • Rebounding: A quick search on the Internet for “rebounding” results in several good sources of information on the health benefits to the lymph system, which supports the immune system. I have a mini trampoline (20 minutes in the evenings), a treadmill (20 minutes mornings), and a bouncy exercise ball (10 or 20 minutes on days I don’t feel like doing the tramp or treadmill). If you don’t already, start paying attention to your lymph nodes. The ones I feel the most are under my arms and into my chest, sometimes the ones in my neck. Do an Internet search for a graphic of the lymph system to find where they are. When I’m coming down with something, my lymph nodes start to ache a bit. This is a good time to rebound. After I rebound, I can feel a difference in my nodes. Also, I regularly massage essential oils (diluted with jojoba or other oil) into my skin on areas where my lymph nodes are. (Note: for fastest absorption into the body, rub remedies into your abdomen area.)
  • Eat nutritious foods. Procure as much fresh, real food as possible: these are the foods that need little or no labeling, because they are what they are: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meats, fish, poultry. I have read enough to know that organic and non-GMO are important. Make as much of your food from scratch as possible, so you know that you have the best of ingredients. If you do purchase other products, read the ingredients carefully, and choose the least-processed foods available. (Note: Sugar is not nutritious, neither is processed wheat flour.)
  • Drink plenty of pure water. Here is another “beware:” tap water ain’t so good for you. I don’t promote bottled water, either (the contents nor the plastic waste). If you know someone with a good well, see if you can arrange to get your drinking and cooking water there. Use a good filter for your tap water.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Once you start eating well, you will be surprised at how much better you sleep. Exercise also helps with sleep. Exercising in the early evening, a few hours before bedtime, is a good way to release stress and generate some dopamine. Sleep is important to the immune system because it is during this time that the body restores, eliminates toxins, maintains and repairs cells, and carries out several essential tasks related to your health.
  • Nurture healthy relationships. Give thought to your family, friend, and associate circles. Nurture close relationships with those who can join in a healthy dynamic.
  • Give your life, your health, your relationships to God. He will take care of you. As you look to Him, call upon Him, depend on Him, He will provide for you in His exceptional, loving way.

Elderberry is a great way to boost your immune system. Following is a recipe for elderberry gummies from a trusted source, Wardee Harmon at Traditional Cooking School. I have seen other recipes for elderberry syrup that include grated ginger, cinnamon sticks, and even garlic cloves boiled with the berries. To make this a syrup, and not gummies, do not add the gelatin.

Here is Wardee’s recipe, taken directly from her site :

Immune-Boosting Homemade Elderberry Gummies


Who else will do almost anything to naturally boost your kids’ immune systems during flu season?! After learning how to make elderberry syrup and tinctures for their immune-boosting benefits, I started making homemade elderberry gummies too, and now my kids snack on them throughout the fall and winter to stay healthy. Learn how to make this easy DIY supplement for kids and adults today!

Course Household & Health, Snack

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 50 minutes

Setting Time 3 hours

Total Time 1 hour

Author Annie Bernauer



  1. Place the elderberries and water in a saucepan on the stove. Bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat and allow the fruit to simmer in the water for 30 to 45 minutes.
  3. Mash the elderberries to help release the juices into the water.
  4. After 45 minutes, strain the elderberries from the juice with a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth.
  5. Bundle up the elderberries in the cheesecloth and squeeze out all the elderberry juice.
  6. Return the elderberry juice to the saucepan on the stove over low heat. Do not boil the elderberry juice.
  7. Whisk in the honey.
  8. Slowly pour in the gelatin while briskly whisking the juice so the gelatin doesn’t clump.
  9. Whisk until the gelatin dissolves.
  10. Remove the saucepan from heat and pour the liquid into silicone molds or a glass baking dish. If using a silicone mold, place the mold on a cookie sheet before filling it with the elderberry mixture. Speaking from experience, if you pick up a flimsy silicone mold without the tray underneath, it will spill and make a big mess!
  11. Refrigerate for several hours or until set.
  12. Elderberry gummies should last up to 1 week in the refrigerator, although at our house they never last that long!

Recipe Notes

*Elderberries are bitter in their natural state so this recipe has raw honey added as a natural sweetener. *This recipe is just the right amount to fill one of my silicone molds. The recipe can be doubled to make a larger batch.

27 thoughts on “Healthy Immune System Remedies

  1. We have an artesian well and our water is wonderful! So, we have that going for us. I’m saving your post and also re-blogging it so I can refer back to your healthy remedies. Thanks for the helpful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post. Good reminders of how to stay healthy! A diet filled with good nutritious food is so important & sometimes we forget the basics. Fresh air & exercise is key too.I’m just starting to get into the essential oils & finding all kinds of uses for them! Amen. God is good!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for all these wonderful hints to stay healthy. I swear by healthy doses of vitamin D! Top Doctors say it fights inflammation and yes, even cancer. I have been taking it religiously for 7 years…….and have not had as much as a cold or sore throat! Go figure! Because of sunscreens we are not getting enough vitamin D anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for sharing these health building information. I don’t get enough sleep because of my work hours. I will incorporate some of your ideas to better my health.

    Liked by 1 person

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